Metal slides shimmering in sunshine
Slope down to the soft sand below
Swings sway empty while the birds sing Sweetly and softly
Sonnets that soothe the soul
Squared in solitude.
A playground planted in a place palpable with grace
Poured like pitchered water.
What? How could it be
That children escape creek, canyon, cave in this caprock
Craving to crawl on copper
When the clay curving, careening, caressing
Carries the depths, drafts them upward
Soaring, sailing, surging
Beauty breaking bouldered hearts
Hungering, hearing, then healing
Received in arms vast as crevasses in crust of earth
Arms that molded the mountains
Made man then blew breath
The breeze burdening lightly, lovely
Father’s voice floating yet forceful:
For you.
[ For reminders of new posts, please email Fr. Luke at [email protected]]